Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Little Farmer's Blog!

Hi everyone!

This Saturday, October 15 we will be having our annual Pumpkinfest!! The event will run from 10 to 5 and what a lineup of events we have for you!

10:00 Doors Open
11:00 Entertainment provided by Revolutions Dance
12:00 Pie Eating Contest
1:00 Hot Pepper Eating Contest
2:00 Pie Eating Contest
3:00 Scarecrow Making Contest

So come join the fun with us this Saturday here at the one and only Lester's on Brookfield Road! Oh and did we mention that there are prizes for all of these contests? That's right! So lets see if you can be the messiest in the pie eating contest or see just how many of the outrageously hot peppers you can stomach or show us your own creativity in our scarecrow making contest!

There is admission at the door but everything past the gate is free. Like previous years, a portion of the proceeds are going towards charities that help children in our community. Again this year's proceeds will go towards the R.E.A.L program as well as the Mount Pearl Sports Alliance. Bring your family, friends, and together we can support our community while having some fun Halloween fun!

If the weather is bad Pumpkinfest will be rescheduled so please check either our blog, facebook or call us (747-3276) for more details!

See you in your best Halloween Costumes!
Your Friendly Little Farmer Bloggers,
Ashley and Susan