Friday, August 20, 2010

The Little Farmers Blog!

Hi there everyone!

As this week is coming to a close, we are bringing you new beginnings!

After this week, we now have a good supply of our peas and green beans. This weekend we will have the start of our yellow beans, yum! As well, many of our crops that were just new over the past week or two are now picking up their pace growing wise. Many vegetables such as our broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and lettuce are getting bigger by the day. It's amazing to see how the crops progress each and every day, sometimes its hard to believe how much they progress!

We are also proud to announce the opening of our corn maze for the year! This is always an event on the farm as even we like to get lost in our corn maze. Although we have a smaller size corn maze, it is still ideal for family and children, and best of all it is free of charge! So why not take the whole family through the maze and see who can make it through the quickest!

It seems like this week flew by! As Mary Lester would say, "Time flies when you're having fun" and that is exactly what happened on the farm this week!

See you soon!
Your Friendly Little Farmer Bloggers,
Ashley, Kate, and Susan

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for more veggies! It's getting to be that time of year...
